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On Monday 26 April 2021 we have been celebrating World IP Day, and the theme this year has been “helping smaller businesses thrive” with a focus on how IP can help them grow and be resilient.
So as part of World IP Day this year we are involved in a number of events to help raise awareness, including:
5pm on Tuesday 27 April. We will be live with the See No Bounds Hub via their Facebook, Linkedin and YouTube pages discussing World IP Day, creativity and innovation.
8am on Wednesday 28 April. We will be providing the BizWiz at the Zokit Cardiff Hub meeting, talking about copyright and dispelling some of the myths around this IP right. Tickets can be booked here:
8pm on Wednesday 28 April. We are guest hosting #CardiffHour on Twitter, so be sure to take part and join the conversation as we will be including some tips for you to consider.